Mitchell Defense to Put its Firearms Through a Rigorous Day
First on our list of traveling events this year is Iraq Veteran 8888 Range Day. This is an invite only range day and I’m super honored to get an invite. Since this is Mitchell Defense’s first invitation, we are just going out to figure out what this is all about and learn from our mistakes. The goal, however, is very clear. I want to get our guns in the hands of people so they can see the clear MD difference when they shoot one of my rifles.
I believe this event is full of “influencers” in the firearms industry. So for those who can’t attend, I’m sure you’ll see some content come from this event from them. I will also be there with my high-tech cell phone taking videos. I’m also bringing along my good friend Ron Holmes from Ryker USA to help me out. They have a fore grip that is neat and helps stabilize the rifle. One of my favorite things about their grip is that when the gun gets hot or your running suppresser your hand is offset from the heat. Ill also be running a mantis Blackbeard in a rifle to teach safety and training.
Most importantly I’ll have the GWOT Doc, Shortie DOC, Tactical RatDog, and the Slick RatDog out there. Depending on if there is room in the case, I’ll bring out a SOIDC Doc as well. I think ill keep the Pipe Hitters at home. Later in the year I’ll be at CanCon in Georgia where I’ll bring out the 8.6 Rifle out so we can run it suppressed.
We’ll update this page with content following this event!